About Us
Welcome to CourseZA.COM.
At CourseZA, we make your learning experience an enjoyable yet fantastic experience. We have engaged the most innovate learning methodologies to make your learning experience cutting edge.

Blended Learning
Blended, Distant and Online learning is revolutionary in the delivery of contemporary education. Your advantages include; Self-pacing, lower cost, dynamic and access to multi-resourced.
Our courses and partner courses and qualification are accredited by the Cathsseta, Merseta, and Serviceseta. Accredited programmes are aligned to South Africa Qualification Authority Unit Standards.
Student Centred
Enhanced student-to-student and faculty-to-student communication. Enabling student-centered teaching approaches. Providing just-in-time methods to assess and evaluate student progress.
Dynamic Resources
We offer dynamic learning resources. Mentoring. Peer-peer learning. Workplace Experiential Learning and Assessments. Scheduled Webinars.
Do you need any help?
We are keen to discuss your future training and development needs.